New Greens Freak is the most complete superfood formula of its kind.
Every ingredient found in Greens Freak has a specific function to help support optimal health and performance.
- Naturally Flavoured
- 1 Gram High-CGF Chlorella
- Loaded with Top-Quality Superfoods
- 1.5 Grams of Hawaiian Spirulina
- 1.5 Grams of Alfalfa, Barley & Wheat Grass
Greens Freak also contains 10 unique ingredients complexes:
1. Sprouted Super Grains
2. Complete Superfoods
3. Red Superfoods
4. Full Spectrum Antixoidants
5. Immune Boosters
6. Adaptogen & Adrenal Support
7. Proprietary Probiotic Cultures
8. Proprietary Digestive Enzymes
9. Liver Cleansing
10. All-Natural Flavouring
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